Monday, March 22, 2010

Arbitrary Mind Picks #50

1. Contemplating on a serious internet hiatus. I think there's a life out there waiting for me to live it.

2. Chocolate makes me happy. Unfortunately, i recently discovered that too much of it makes me sick.

3. Whoever said that peer pressure ended in high school is a liar. And mind games never end. Never, i tell you.

4. Nothing is ever simple when it involves matters of the heart.

5. Thinking too much is bad for my diet.

6. Shutter Island and Donnie Darko, one after the other, is a terrible combo. Too much crazy for one night, if you ask me.
For once, i appreciated living across a music bar and i curse photographic memory. My mind has once again started playing games with me. No bueno.

7. I love eggplant.

8. I can't watch mp4's or upload photos onto Facebook. Why? Because my laptop is so old that i can't download the programs that are compatible for the thingamabobberwhatchamacallits. Personally, i think that's unfair.

9. Dylan does very good impressions. I'm very impressed.

10. I have a problem. If i was my friend and i asked myself for advice, i'd know exactly what to say. I also know that i wouldn't listen. I wonder what would happen if i did.

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