"Good guys finish last"
...or so they say. It can't be a cliche for nothing. They wouldn't make it a quote if there was no truth to it. It's been said plenty of times, over and over again. With that said... then damn, that sucks.
A few weeks ago, I was getting ready for work when my dad started watching a documentary about "the biggest kept secret of life--- the key to success". I couldn't help but listen. It sounded interesting. Turns out, it was nothing material, not something you go looking for... it's something psychological and you're meant to understand. It's called The Law of Attraction. You create your own patterns in life and pretty much should take responsibility for everything that happens to you. It's based on the things you believe in, your deepest wishes, your greatest dreams, what goes on in your head, things of that sort. I'm still trying to figure out whether or not i believe in it myself. I've experienced a few things in the past few weeks (maybe even months) that got me thinking about this...
Why is it that every time i try to do some good and make that extra effort to make life pleasant for everyone--- i end up getting screwed over? I try my best to do the right thing, with only the greatest of intentions in mind... and somehow, for some weird, god-forsaken reason, someone manages to conjure up this magic dark rain cloud and positions it right over me... and worse, gives it the command to rain. Not just sprinkle rain... i'm talking about downright, cats & dogs, POUR.
I believe i've had this problem for some time now. I attract people who can see right through me and decide that they'll suck me dry for everything i got, make their goods off me, and leave me with absolutely nothing. So, based on that Law... is it my fault? Being nice = human doormat. Nice guys really do finish last. huh?
It's not just me. Someone i know is exactly the same. No matter how good this person is, and how much he just wants to help people... it just seems like everything goes wrong. What in the world are we attracting here, exactly? I almost feel like we're jinxed. Okay, so it's obvious who i'm talking about here...
Believe it or not, we're kind of tagged as "the nice couple". Meaning, two really nice people who ended up together. You would think it would be smooth sailing and life is just dandy for two very nice people... but au contraire, we feel like an old doormat, with a washing long overdue.
I don't want to exaggerate here. It's not like we cheat death every single day and are completely lucky to be alive (in that sense). Yes, we have our good days and life is beautiful (every now and then)... but i'm just saying--- if good guys finish last and the bad guys get away with it in the end... then should we all just say "to hell with peace on earth and good will to men"? I mean, it's a whole lot easier to do the wrong thing than it is to think of others and do what you know is right.
They say that in business, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. People will bite heads off to get to the top. People lie, cheat, deceive, and do whatever it takes to get ahead. This is what they call SUCCESS.
True or False?
I need an answer because i have to make some major changes in my life. I think i've tried and tested a certain characteristic for a bit too long. If it's not worth it, someone please tell me now.
It's not a pretty world. I've seen people claim to be oh-so-good hearted, nurturing and caring, loving and loyal... but really, they're only self-obssessed, selfish, and they only put up a facade to play both sides of the game. Again--- lie, cheat, steal, and deceive. Wonderful. But they're living life, alright. Not a care in the world, come and go as they please... and the conscience is clear as day. Hey, whatever you gotta do to make it to the top, right? Well worth it, perhaps? They sure as hell make it look like it.
I'm not bitter. I just want to understand. I believe i've been doing the "right" thing... but if it's not gonna get me anywhere, i may as well start making some changes. Nobody's gonna take on my responsibilities for me... i've got mouths to feed and shit.
I'm not one to drop my principles and go against my values. I know the difference between right and wrong. I just don't want to be looking back at a life that felt so incomplete... and say to myself, "atleast, i did the right thing".
With children in mind and goals i'm determined to reach... the right thing just might not be worth it.
Unless i'm looking at this the wrong way... someone prove me wrong. I'd be glad to figure this out with happy endings exploding in all directions.
But if good guys finish last... i don't want to be a good guy anymore. I think that ship has set sail. It's a trip i don't want to be a part of anymore.
Been there, done that, got the battle scars to prove it.
However, people always tell me to stick to your principles, your time will come, stay the way you are- it will come back to you. Karma, they call it. What goes around, comes around. What's a little bit of sacrifice for eternal happiness? riiiiiight.
If all that turns out to be a load of crap, then i'm screwed. Being the bad guy is just starting to look more and more appealing, i'm telling you.
We're a dying breed. Give us hope... because i know for a fact that there are people out there trying to do the right thing everyday. They put their hearts into this and believe that some kind of good has to come of it.
Good guys finish last--- i seriously hope not.
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