I just did that 25 Random Things About Yourself on Facebook. It came out from nowhere like a bad case of the chicken pox. Everyone was doing it, and i have to admit, it was very entertaining and a lot of fun to think about 25 things of my own that i'd be willing to share with people.
So i started thinking... is there anything i do that is ME? I wanted to test it out and see how much i could come up with. Obviously, i have nothing better to do with my time.
Let's see...
1. I move my lips when i read to myself.
2. I wiggle my toes when i think.
3. I sleep with a "house" (as Ian calls it). I have this formula for when i sleep. I need, absolutely NEED, 3 pillows. One for my head, and one on either side of me. It's a must. It's the only way i sleep good at night. If i'm given only one pillow (like at hotels), and another one is not available, no matter what i do... i use my sweater as a pillow, the actual pillow on my left side, and i scrunch up the blanket and tuck it behind me on my right.
4. I'm not messy... it's organized clutter. I know where everything is. You clean it up and move everything around... and i can't find something- THEN it turns into a mess.
5. If i really really like the book i'm reading, no matter how thick it is, i'll finish it in one go.
6. Don't ever wake me up when completely unnecessary (necessary means emergency... anything OTHER than that- UNNECESSARY).
7. Don't talk to me when i'm watching TV. If i miss a vital part and you can't tell me what it was... it'll be the end of you. Just kidding. I'll get pretty upset, but i won't tell you.
8. I'm anti-confrontational. I don't like being the bearer of bad news. I don't like yelling at people. I'm not one to complain either. It's not a good thing at all.
9. I dance when i hear music. I dance when i'm happy. I dance to keep myself preoccupied. I dance when i like what i'm eating. I dance while i'm waiting. I like to dance.
10. They say you get your stripper name by putting your first pet's name with your first street address name. In that case, my stripper name is Chuchi Chuntug. [choo-chee choon-toog]
11. When i was young i wanted to join the circus and be that chick on the flying trapeze. Either that or become a nun- so i'd never have to endure the pain of childbirth. I was 6 or 7 i think.
12. I used to do all the "bad things" as a kid- break things, write on walls, scratch the walls, misplace things, mess up someone else's things... and i always blamed it on my brother. I usually got away with it. My parents didn't figure it out until we were almost in our 20's.
13. I can ride a horse without a saddle on. I don't know if that's hard, but i think that's pretty hardcore
14. I can pick things up with my toes. I can also move JUST my little toe. It's muscle manipulation... i think that's hard. My dad's impressed. I think Dylan has it too. Most people think that's weird.
15. I point with my lips sometimes. That's sooooooooo Filipino. haha
16. I tell myself a story or think of an alternate universe where i'm someone else... to get myself to fall asleep.
17. I cry at weddings. Even when i don't know the couple who got married.
18. I feel like something is missing when i don't have bangles on. I always have to have something on my arms/wrists.
19. I cry when i'm angry.
20. I've always wanted to wait on the side of the street with a stick and wait for someone to come rolling along on a bike... and when they pass by, i'd wedge the stick into their wheel. I'd never do it, of course. But that thought always passes through my head when i see someone on a bike pass me. If you see me smiling to myself, that's most probably what i'm thinking.
21. I secretly wanna shove people out of the way when they're walking too slow. I don't care how old they are. They should walk on the side.
22. I've owned a diary since before i can even remember. Maybe 7 or 8. I have snippets of my life written down somewhere. It's entertaining to read them and look back years and years later.
23. I believe Bob Marley was onto something.
24. I don't like beans and i can't eat peas. If i find them in my food, they turn into a small pile on the side of my plate. I'll avoid eating them as much as i can.
25. I remember birthdays. I always have. If you're important to me, most likely i know when your birthday is, and you'll hear from me when that day comes.
That wasn't too bad.
Dylan's in need of a bath and has to retire into bed.
It feels good to write again.. even though it's silly little nothings. haha
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