I know what total contentment and genuine happiness feels like... and the experience is absolutely priceless. The smile on his face, that twinkle in his eyes, his energy, the excitement- it was all so contagious. I loved every second of it. The wonders of being a kid and making a discovery for the very first time. That feeling of experiencing something new and deciding that it's something that makes you happy and it's something that you really like. Incredible. What i would give to see the world in the eyes of a child once again. Dylan is a constant reminder on how the little things can be huge and how wonderful everything really is.
I was never able to take him to the beach. My schedule wouldn't permit it. There was never an opportunity, not enough time, and no mode of transportation. For some reason, i never felt like he was missing out. I knew that when the time came, it would be great no matter what. I'm glad i got to see his reaction at a time when his consciousness was already there, that it wasn't something belittled- the moment was appreciated to the fullest and became that much more grand. Looking back at the photos, the look on his face said it all.
Watching him take in every moment and actually live made my heart melt. Seeing him completely happy and having the time of his life made me happy.
He spent hours in the water and you could see him just having fun. He kept on going and going and was hesitant to stop and take breathers. He was enjoying his little adventure and i could tell he never wanted it to end. Going to bed wasn't difficult... but knowing that he got to wake up to all of it all over again made it easier and gave him something to look forward to.
He is my life and this is what i live for. =)
*I can't believe my baby is turning 5 years old... it happens so fast.
When was the last time you spent hours and hours just having real, genuine, pure-to-goodness fun?
(Last night at the club, sure as hell, doesn't count- and if that's your definition of fun... someone needs to get a life, and get it together)
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