After party-hardy-ing it up last week, my immune system decided to go on strike and allow various germs to get at me and hit me with the good ol' fashioned cough, colds, and joint pains. It's teaching me a lesson. I can't say anything. I deserve it.
Damm... i'm hella sick.
For the first time in my life, however, i'm willing to take meds and have even gone as far as self-medicating. Meaning- nobody has to force me to take those tiny little pills to shut me up and make me feel better. I'm doing all that on my own. *pat on the back*
I don't agree with medication. Majority of the time i refuse to take any. Even if it has profound imagination altering effects, i'd rather steer clear away from "chemicals". I've always been more of the Herbal kind.
It's a long story and also very ironic given that my boyfriend is a doctor. I just think that normal household remedies should do the trick- lots of water, some good rest, and awesome, homemade soup.
In some way, i also feel like i'm making a statement. I know i will never be heard and this selfless act will never make a difference- but if you put a price on health, and a price on life... who's to say that we deserve an instant pick-upper more than the next person who's begging for food on that block down the street? I'm pretty sure he/she is having a shitty day too.
Anyway, I'm going to have to ignore that and insist on being ignorant. I am trying to get better and i hope that it works sooner rather than later. If this doesn't go away before Qatar, i will be one cranky Dj.
I know it serves me right. Thinking i can party like it's 1999. What the heck was going through my head? *tsk tsk tsk
This past week was a glimpse on what life was really like years back. Out every single night, the massive amounts of alcohol consumption, head home as the sun comes up, sleep during the day, and up early evening just in time to do it all over again. This was everyday. Two years- straight. I was 17 years old then. It took a lot longer til the fatigue kicked in, but it undoubtedly did... in the worst way i could remember.
I was bed ridden for 2 weeks. I had an intense fever, the shakes, no appetite, and was shivering in the Manila heat. I lost a total of 20 pounds in 4 days. It was my body's way of telling me that it had had enough. I waved my flag of surrender and obliged.
I'm sure these types of things are appropriate for vacations and such, but a lifestyle that involves all of these vices on a constant basis can't be good. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. I'm probably hit with a double whammy because... well, i don't even take vitamins! I can't really expect to be immune to illness. This was totally heading in my direction.
I have been doing this for a good amount of time. 10 years of partying like a Rock Star can take its toll... obviously.
I'm ready for the quiet life. Bring on the books and the DVDs.
I will thank myself in the future if i start the act of youth preservation now.
Sounds like an awesome plan.
3 more days til Qatar. This Vitamin C better get to work. I'm rooting for Decolgen and Solmux. Sleep might do me some good too.
Take your vitamins, kids.
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