"The difference between style and fashion is quality."
-Giorgio Armani
"Fashion fades, style is eternal."
-Yves Saint Laurent
I have never considered myself to be "stylish". I'm not one of those girls that were born with that natural flare for fashion. My outfits usually depend on how i feel and most of the time, to be honest with you, i feel like a total bum.
After years in the clubbing scene, with a minimum of 4 times a week, 7 hours per night, week after week- you tend to care a whole lot less. Getting dolled up becomes a chore, you get sick of all your clothes, putting makeup on is just tiring (when it ends up disappearing at the end of the night anyway), and the whole routine just becomes monotonous.
I went through a "jeans, tshirt/tank top, & sneakers" phase for a loooooong time. My ensemble only varied in color, not so much with the look. Browsing through my photos, you can really pinpoint the peak of the "i really don't care anymore" era. My hair was always in a messy bun, my makeup's only purpose was to hide the tired look on my face, and aside from switching up the accessories, my look more or less remained the same- all throughout the week.
Growing up, i think i looked like a train wreck. For the most part, anyway. Past that part where your parents picked out your clothes. When you thought you were grown up enough and knew what you were doing. I don't know what i was going for or what exactly was going through my head... but i almost always ended up dressing like a guy. When the occasion called for a dress, my hair always looked like i had just gotten out of bed and hadn't brushed it for what seemed like over 3 weeks. I have pictures to prove it. I was also notorious for picking outfits based on my favorite color (i think i still am). I once went to school in purple skinny jeans, a purple shirt, a purple sweater, and a backpack that was also purple. All in the same shade of purple, mind you. I don't remember being teased... either it was acceptable at the time (early 90's) or someone else had gone to school more poorly dressed than i was. It's a good thing Barney didn't exist yet... otherwise i would have never heard the end of it.
If you had looked in my closet 8 years ago you wouldn't be able to find a single dress in there. Not even a skirt. The only colors (if you can even call them that) to be spotted were white, black, gray, navy blue, and baby blue. I had a stack of jeans and my sneakers were all white- all 5 of them. I was plain jane to the nth power but i was also a dancer. So i had one look- sporty.
When i stopped dancing and started dressing more weather appropriate i started to look like a hippie. I remember my dad would make fun of me reminding me how i used to laugh at his old pictures only to end up dressing like him. I had jeans with bottoms so wide, my parents asked me if i was responsible for sweeping up the floors. This was also the beginning of my flip-flops phase. At one point, i think i had about 9 pairs of slippers in rotation. Before these were banned at the club, you can bet all your money i'd be rocking them in there all night long.
These days, my wardrobe consists of colors that range the spectrum. So much so that it looks like a rainbow decided to throw up in there. This is the result of experimenting, color phases, curiosity, and shopping on a whim.
For a while, my boyfriend decided to make me his little science project and would dress me up. Whenever we went out to shop he would make suggestions as to what i could put together and even pick out a piece or two. He got so good at it that he ended up picking out a lot of my clothes and i thought having a personal stylist wasn't half bad.
My selection, through time, has become very diverse- an accomplishment in which i am very proud of. I finally own more than one dress. I can switch up looks and have outfits for every occasion. Admittedly, my taste leans towards the eccentric side- something my siblings laugh at me for repeatedly. Despite that, i do feel that i have come to a point where i'm more confident in expressing myself through the way i put something on. Even if others deem it taboo, as long as i like it, i'm totally okay with that. That's just how i've always been, i guess.
I have committed a lot of fashion faux pas's, made hideous combos, and have sported embarrassing looks. Obviously, i thought it was a good idea at the time. For all i know, what i think looks great on me now could quite possibly bring me to tears (overboard laughter) in 20 years.
I may not be the trendiest chick on the block, but nonetheless, my mantra stays, and will always be the same- i dress how i feel. Comfort is my style. Whatever you put on should make you feel good- if it doesn't, take it off.
Now i gotta go clean out my closet and say goodbye to pieces i have held on to (for sentimental reasons or hopeful "i will fit into that" reasons) but have failed to actually put on in the past year. Too little is perhaps better than too much- especially if you don't have the room to support the clutter. Besides, i gotta make room for the new future clutter-to-be.
Oh, and i still dress like a hippie.
Maybe with a hint of hiphop.
After years in the clubbing scene, with a minimum of 4 times a week, 7 hours per night, week after week- you tend to care a whole lot less. Getting dolled up becomes a chore, you get sick of all your clothes, putting makeup on is just tiring (when it ends up disappearing at the end of the night anyway), and the whole routine just becomes monotonous.
I went through a "jeans, tshirt/tank top, & sneakers" phase for a loooooong time. My ensemble only varied in color, not so much with the look. Browsing through my photos, you can really pinpoint the peak of the "i really don't care anymore" era. My hair was always in a messy bun, my makeup's only purpose was to hide the tired look on my face, and aside from switching up the accessories, my look more or less remained the same- all throughout the week.
Growing up, i think i looked like a train wreck. For the most part, anyway. Past that part where your parents picked out your clothes. When you thought you were grown up enough and knew what you were doing. I don't know what i was going for or what exactly was going through my head... but i almost always ended up dressing like a guy. When the occasion called for a dress, my hair always looked like i had just gotten out of bed and hadn't brushed it for what seemed like over 3 weeks. I have pictures to prove it. I was also notorious for picking outfits based on my favorite color (i think i still am). I once went to school in purple skinny jeans, a purple shirt, a purple sweater, and a backpack that was also purple. All in the same shade of purple, mind you. I don't remember being teased... either it was acceptable at the time (early 90's) or someone else had gone to school more poorly dressed than i was. It's a good thing Barney didn't exist yet... otherwise i would have never heard the end of it.
If you had looked in my closet 8 years ago you wouldn't be able to find a single dress in there. Not even a skirt. The only colors (if you can even call them that) to be spotted were white, black, gray, navy blue, and baby blue. I had a stack of jeans and my sneakers were all white- all 5 of them. I was plain jane to the nth power but i was also a dancer. So i had one look- sporty.
When i stopped dancing and started dressing more weather appropriate i started to look like a hippie. I remember my dad would make fun of me reminding me how i used to laugh at his old pictures only to end up dressing like him. I had jeans with bottoms so wide, my parents asked me if i was responsible for sweeping up the floors. This was also the beginning of my flip-flops phase. At one point, i think i had about 9 pairs of slippers in rotation. Before these were banned at the club, you can bet all your money i'd be rocking them in there all night long.
These days, my wardrobe consists of colors that range the spectrum. So much so that it looks like a rainbow decided to throw up in there. This is the result of experimenting, color phases, curiosity, and shopping on a whim.
For a while, my boyfriend decided to make me his little science project and would dress me up. Whenever we went out to shop he would make suggestions as to what i could put together and even pick out a piece or two. He got so good at it that he ended up picking out a lot of my clothes and i thought having a personal stylist wasn't half bad.
My selection, through time, has become very diverse- an accomplishment in which i am very proud of. I finally own more than one dress. I can switch up looks and have outfits for every occasion. Admittedly, my taste leans towards the eccentric side- something my siblings laugh at me for repeatedly. Despite that, i do feel that i have come to a point where i'm more confident in expressing myself through the way i put something on. Even if others deem it taboo, as long as i like it, i'm totally okay with that. That's just how i've always been, i guess.
I have committed a lot of fashion faux pas's, made hideous combos, and have sported embarrassing looks. Obviously, i thought it was a good idea at the time. For all i know, what i think looks great on me now could quite possibly bring me to tears (overboard laughter) in 20 years.
I may not be the trendiest chick on the block, but nonetheless, my mantra stays, and will always be the same- i dress how i feel. Comfort is my style. Whatever you put on should make you feel good- if it doesn't, take it off.
Now i gotta go clean out my closet and say goodbye to pieces i have held on to (for sentimental reasons or hopeful "i will fit into that" reasons) but have failed to actually put on in the past year. Too little is perhaps better than too much- especially if you don't have the room to support the clutter. Besides, i gotta make room for the new future clutter-to-be.
Oh, and i still dress like a hippie.
Maybe with a hint of hiphop.
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