Paid a visit to the BenCab Museum with the Tisoys last weekend when they drove all 5 hours up here to surprise the living b'geezus outta me (Oh, and they did! I was so surprised that i started screaming- my neighbors probably thought i was being attacked).
This museum is one of the best i've ever been to. Gorgeous! I recommend everyone who has any interest in art to stop by whenever they're in the area. They have huge pieces that would look absolutely stunning in my living room. This visit inspired me to start collecting art. Perhaps when i start rolling around in dough.
The museum is 15-20 minutes (by car) away from the center of town. It is a wonderful structure that sits quietly on the side of this narrow road. You don't realize the beauty of it all until you step inside and all its glory is revealed. There's an organic cafe at the basement of the building which opens up to this amazing garden. There's a river at the bottom of the cliff and this incredible building (we're assuming is BenCab's house/studio) to the right side of the museum that looks absolutely beautiful. I can only imagine what it would be like to live there.
Yeah, but anyway, i don't wanna hype it up too much. So there.
Dylan had a great time- well, once he got past the asking if we could go home 20 million times and discovered there was a bridge in the garden 3 floors down.
We'll be sure to plan another visit when the next rotation comes in.
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