Wednesday, April 14, 2010


What a liberating feeling it is... to be able to speak your mind and truly say what you feel with complete disregard for the repercussions it might bring. Just to be able to say what you want to say without meaning anyone any harm or disrespect. For me, it has always been one word- No.

It's taken me some time to be comfortable with saying "No". To me, it has always been associated with disappointment or rejection. I was such a "people-pleaser-person" that i never dared let anyone down. Not me. In a way, i still have that characteristic mildly embedded in me. But these days, i know where to draw the line.

I am not obliged to do what i don't want to do. I don't owe anybody any favors. I don't need to waste my time. And why do i have to subject myself to torture? Simple as that.

No. I can't hang out.
No. You can't have this top.
No. I don't wanna go out.
No. I think i'll just go home.
No. I'm really not gonna eat that.
No. I don't have to down that... haha
Eh... No.

Something so simple yet so empowering.

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