The last time i saw these set of pictures was in May of 2000.
If they could speak... wow, the stories they would tell you.
We started hanging out there in 1998. If i remember correctly, it was newly constructed and around the way from school. It was a good location and majority of the time, we pretty much owned the place. Yeah, imagine that... a group of unruly teenagers. The staff probably thought we were retarded.
A gin and tonic was priced at 45 pesos. In 12 years the price has jacked up 5 pesos. It's a 50 peso drink now and it still tastes exactly the same. A sip was enough to slap my consciousness back to being 15 years old. I could hear the voices of those who were constantly around me. Everything was exactly as it was 12 years ago... exactly. It was almost like an out-of-body experience and quite surreal, to tell you the truth.
Such an eerie experience it is to visit the places from your past.
How entertaining it is to relive certain moments and remember that person you were a lifetime and a half ago.
It's incredible to see just how far along from then you have come.
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