Sunday, September 13, 2009

Arbitrary Mind Picks #15

1) I laugh everyday at something that Dylan either says or does... but when i try to recall what it was that gave me utter delight... i always have a hard time remembering.

2) Ian's response to the news of my voluntary action of becoming Chapel Speaker:
"You? What the... you're the girl that laughs at me when i tell her i'm gonna pray for her"
-does that tell you how non-religious i am? Yes, i understand it's also "frowned upon".

3) It seems i am in the mood for lists today

4) The weather is ridiculous. Rain is serious business. I just paid my sister to do my groceries for me. Yes, that's how lazy i have become. She has cool rain boots though... i don't. See how that works?

5) There's a possibility i'm writing out of sheer delirium. I guess it's "Arbitrary Mind Picks" because i really do just jot down what comes to me off the top of my dome. Interesting or not, important or not, strange or not, what not.

6) I love how kids insist on doing 10 million random things when you both know they're tired... only to watch them knock out as you give in to their wishes. I never knew watching someone fall asleep could be so interesting until Dylan popped into my life. Try watching a baby fight to keep their eyes open. Then again, it's funnier seeing full grown adults attempt to fight slumber.

7) "Oh my gosh!!! You're so big! I remember you used to be this small the last time i saw you!"
A statement you always heard growing up from long lost relatives and your parents' buddies throughout the years. The minute you catch yourself saying that... what does that tell you?
Yeah... crazy, huh?

8) Something that stayed with me since the very first time i heard it. I just saw this episode again yesterday.
Chandler: You know what's weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he's getting out of the shower, he always put a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?

9) Seriously though... you can learn a lot just by watching Friends.

10) I was on the verge of knocking out at 2pm this afternoon... why am i still wide awake 12 hours later??? You think the 6 cups of coffee has anything to do with it? Because i honestly think i'm immune.

11) I had THE strangest dream last night. It consisted of high school people i never even hung out with... and something to do with stairs. I know it was strange... but i don't remember what it was.

12) I saw THE most disturbing video i've seen in a while this afternoon. Somehow, the title "Not for the faint hearted. Very graphic video" always draws me in. I AM faint hearted and i can't stand graphic videos. But i always find myself clicking on these things when my friends post it up for the world to see.
It had something to do with a stupid guy jumping off a dock or something... his jump was short, he hits his face on the pavement below and literally split his face open right smack the middle.
YEAH. Not for the faint hearted.
Seriously, the things the internet can provide these days.
Apparently, this was supposed to serve as a lesson to kids not to drink and do stupid things.

13) I got my hair done in Manila when i was there for the weekend. I went to see Jing Monis of Propaganda Salon at Greenbelt 1. I don't think i have ever left a salon happier. I couldn't be more content. The best part is- i didn't even tell him what i wanted. I just let him do his thing! My heart is at peace.
Thank you to Rosario for the recommendation- i just can't believe i didn't make it there earlier, she's been talking about him forever.

14) I have the most intense craving for chocolate. Since i was introduced to this scrumptious new delight just the other day, i can't stop thinking about it! It's driving me nuts! Turns out, it's from the same makers as Ferrero Rocher. Go figure. My favorite chocolate.
I've already had 4 bars.
Must. Not. Eat. More.

15) I should really go to sleep now.
I'm so not looking forward to Monday morning. I realized that waking up early does that to people... it's not work or school or chores... it's the process of getting there. If all that started at 3pm- you know, ease us into the week, Monday Morning Blues would cease to exist. I guarantee it. (or so i'd like to think)

**Happy Birthday DAD!!! WE Love YOU! =)
- your #1 fans,
Dylan and me

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