2) Just because you seek adult conversation doesn't necessarily mean that actually kickin' it with an adult will top the companionship of your toddler. If you know what i mean.

3) "Friends" (the TV Show) will just never get old to me. Every time i watch it something new comes up. It's the best background show too- you know, when you're cleaning up, working on the computer, or getting ready, etc. It's just good to have playing in the background.

4) In my experience, there isn't a better feeling in the world than seeing your kid truly happy. And sometimes, when they're sad... well, it's kind of funny. haha (They think they have problems...)
5) I can't decide on what to do with my hair. I don't want to make a drastic decision and then end up regretting it... but i also don't wanna do too little and feel as if it was just a waste. It has to be just right... only problem is- i don't know what that is.
6) Listening to good music, i mean really listening, is like being immersed in great conversation- the whole world and everything that comes along with it just melts away.... and you're rendered powerless to the point where you have no choice but to let it take you away.
Hey, it also sounds a lot like falling in love.

7) The world is not complete without really good salmon sashimi.
8) Inside jokes are only funny if you're in on it (which is the whole point, i guess. Duh). As much as possible, refrain from bringing em up when there are other people around. Unless, of course, you're willing to explain (wherein, it won't be funny to them anyway- it's always one of those "you had to be there" things) OR you want to create awkward moments... and that's just rude.
9) Would you rather have terrible company but really good music OR terrible music but really good company? (and when i say terrible music, i mean the $#!+ you really, really, absolutely cannot stand)
10) The fact that they (taxis/cabs) give change over here down to the last centavo still amazes and shocks me to this very day.
11) I'm serious when i say, "I'm so not jumping on the Twitter bandwagon". I mean, for what??

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