Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fill This Void

in my stomach, that is.

Living up here is absolutely wonderful. I love how i can put on layers of clothing without having to worry where to put it if it gets too hot. I love how i can actually go for a quiet walk if i need to be alone with my thoughts. I love how i can run outdoors as opposed to a treadmill next to 20 strangers. I love sleeping under a huge mass of fluffy comforters. I love the simplicity this small city has to offer.

But everything has its downside. In my case- i miss my food.
I don't like being left without any options. I want to know that if a craving emerges, i can go out and get it.

But alas, so much to eat and too little time.
I'll be in the Big Bad City tomorrow evening. I have to make ONE very critical choice- where do i have dinner?
Saturday, lunch and dinner will be had at home because of a hectic schedule that i have to adhere to. I leave Sunday morning before lunch because i have to take the 11am bus back up the mountain. That only leaves me with Friday dinner... *sigh*

Cibo * Cyma * John & Yoko * Hossein's * Baja * CPK * Pho Hoa * New Bombay * Market * Bola * Oyster Bar *

I'm doomed. =(

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