- sleeping in
- getting lost in a good book
- absorbing music
- eating cake
- doing a movie marathon
- watching season after season of Friends/Lost/Alias/How i Met Your Mother/Big Bang Theory/The Wonder Years
- completing old and unfinished crossword puzzles
- catching up on celebrity gossip
- drinking coffee
- admiring your son as he plays in the rain
- eating bulalo
- editing photos
- taking photos
- writing friends
- commenting on Facebook statuses
- appreciating lazy, rainy, chilly weather
- looking at old photos
- reading old diary entries
- revisiting neglected blogs
- daydreaming about the future
- contemplating the present
- reminiscing about the past
- not doing groceries
- not doing laundry
- not feeling guilty about the amount of chocolate i just stuffed myself silly with
- making lists
- cutting Dylan's nails
- not cleaning my room
- wondering how Jena is doing with her princess
- remembering what life was like when Ian and I had days well spent
- staring at Dylan in awe because he's grown up so much before my eyes
- thinking about what the weekend will bring
- imagining what i could possibly eat tomorrow
- playing Text Twist on my phone... because now i can!
- watch a cartoon of Dylan's choice 5x in a row
- enjoying the cold while keeping snug under a blanket
- laughing out loud at something completely random
- wearing a hoodie
- actually keeping my socks on all day
- wishing my brother and my dad a Happy Birthday =)
- listening to Aica's stories
- laughing at the little things that Dylan does
- eating more chocolate
- finishing a book i just started 5 hours ago
- loving hot, steamy showers and being forever thankful for the invention of heaters
- realizing that i have it really good... like, really good. I'm thankful, i'm grateful, i'm loved, and i'm blessed.
...and i thought i had nothing to do today.

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