I've been looking at various photos, i've been taking photos, and i've had photos taken of myself.
I have been reading random musings, i've been intrigued by so many stories, yet i haven't written much lately... anything of substance, anyway.
I've been daydreaming about decorating, and i've been looking up furniture and decor ideas on the world wide web.
I've been drinking a lot of wine, savoring my food, and appreciating conversation.
I am absolutely living.
This is my life.
I have been doing everything i've been wanting to do. Everything at my own will. I come and go as i please, no obligations and no guilt.
This is how it should be and this is how it is.
Then again, preoccupying myself with life is a great way to distract me from the task at hand that just sits there and waits.
Packing. I really need to get at it.
It's just that when i look at all the things i have to sort out and go through, and all the boxes that i need to fill... i am overwhelmed with exhaustion that hasn't even started yet. Do i really have this much to bring? Do i really have to sort all this out now? Do i really have to do this?
If i could magically transport all my belongings from Point A to Point B it would make my life just that much better.
My procrastinating ass keeps telling me that i'll start tomorrow.
The thought of having to do it gives me anxiety attacks.
I remember having to pack for Ian. All those boxes. All of his things. All by myself.

It's time. My life needs to go in a box sometime this week.
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