The clock is ticking and the days are marked off the calendar. 3 days til moving day and i don't feel different at all. I do, however, feel the pressure of trying to get as much done before i have to leave the city.
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Koppe. =)
The wedding on Tuesday was a hoot and half- just a whole lot of fun.
Everyone was dolled up which always makes these shmancy functions interesting. Incriminating photos of those wonderful adolescent years are always something to look forward to. Best of all, creating NEW incriminating photos with drunk friends will always be memorable. A good camera and awesome friends are a must at every wedding reception. It's the simplest formula for success.
DVD shopping on Wednesday went well. I would have opted for more independent flicks, but maybe those will come around next time. I did get my stack of TV shows, which i'm very happy about. I haven't seen movies or watched any of my shows for so long. It's about time i get up to date with them.
Taking photos of food is a lot harder than i thought it would be. Thank God it's not my job and i didn't have anything to do with it. What i did have something to do with though was the consumption of the said photographed grub. 3 burritos, 2 tacos, a plate of nachos, and carne asada fries later... i feel like i can do without Mexican food for a while. But wow, it was totally worth it.
Check out Baja Mexican Cantina at Greenbelt 3 for that fix of authentic cantina Mexican food.
My last gig tomorrow. *sigh*
Look out weekend... coz here i come.
i love the joint, reminds me of san diego. i read a lot of bad reviews on this place. Maybe the manila is not ready for it yet? Expect me back!!
oh good! i think that's what they were going for. =)
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