Sunday, November 8, 2009

Is anybody there?

You ever catch yourself staring blankly into nothing and you wake yourself up with a kind of start? You realize that you were in deep thought but your thoughts were so jumbled up that you can't seem to recall what it was exactly that you were thinking of or why you were even doing any of that to begin with. I'm sure millions of people out there have done it.

You ever sit and think in silence and wonder what your purpose in life was? Perhaps you're meant for greater things or maybe you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. How do you know for sure? If you go for what you think you're supposed to do only to find later on that you don't even like it, how do you take a step back? Well, you can't. So now you're shit outta luck. I don't understand how that can make anybody happy.

You ever imagine what your life could have possibly been like if you had done something different in the past? Everybody's thought about it. Don't lie. Well, it would be great to know that that version of your story was really messed up and you got the good end of the deal, wouldn't it? I think knowing that would make me happy.

You ever just sit and think to yourself and write things down and see what you come up with?
Well, i just did. I think it's kinda strange. Maybe next time i shouldn't hold back at all and see what shows up on these pages. That would be interesting.
Maybe i'll do that tomorrow.

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