When you find a few people that really get you, and i mean, really get you- keep em close.
They're a rare commodity but completely necessary for sanity in life.
I laugh uncontrollably until i cry.
I can say whatever i want without having to give it a second thought or hold back.
My imperfections are not judged, but warmly accepted. All our imperfections tie in well to make everything perfect.
My worries are not belittled- there is never a shortage of comfort.
Being sober is just as much fun as getting smashed.
Hangovers are cured with soup.
You can chat all night or sit in silence- it's all good in the hood.
Stay or go- that's fine too.
I'm a lucky girl.
I'm forever thankful.
LOVE all around. =)
pS: Increase the PEACE... please.
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