1. I just spent a ridiculous amount of money in an effort to make my bed super duper hella uber crazy lazy-friendly. The mission is to make it so comfortable that i'd never wanna get up (which is probably not good for me, but i just really really want it). I'm almost there... just a few more things missing. *argh*
2. My latest craze- furniture shopping.
It takes time, the right pieces, and a lot of... well... funds, really. But it's highly addicting and so exciting and really, it makes me happy. Honestly, right now, it's better than chocolate.
I have my eye on some frames, a shoe cabinet, a shelf, and this mirror i can't take my mind off. *tsk tsk* It makes me feel as if all those times i spent splurging on clothing was so pointless. (Not that i regret it or anything)
3. Nothing tells me i'm doing alright and that all is good in the hood as much as the smile i see on Dylan's face when i know he's genuinely happy. It erases all the headache moments and my fears and doubts are pushed aside.
After 4 months of settling down and testing the waters, i am finally confident in saying- i made the right decision and this move was the best idea i ever came up with.
4. I went to the local Baguio City Market today- i felt like a tourist in my own city. I regret not bringing my camera and caught so many moments i would have loved to capture in... digital form.
I will be making regular trips over there from now on... so many great things in such an unexpected place. I love it!
5. Dylan got a bicycle with training wheels today... and the adventure begins! haha
6. Should i make a vision board with my Christmas wish-list on it? I wonder if it works that way...
7. You never really see it at the time, but it takes a really shitty-ass low for you to appreciate and achieve a high. You know- bitter to appreciate the sweet. Silver lining in dark clouds. Seeing the horizon after losing sight of the shore. All that jazz.
I can laugh at it today... but i'm pretty sure i'll hate it all and curse it to the high heavens again sometime in the future.
It's a vicious cycle. That's just the way the cookie crumbles... i guess.
8. If you can look in the mirror and seriously say, "Man, i am so lucky..." then congratulate yourself for getting past all the bullshit and seeing the good in what life is offering right in front of your face. I forget it every now and then, sometimes i even doubt it... but life wasn't meant to suck and we weren't put here to be miserable.
9. Scientists have discovered that certain brain chemicals in our tears are natural pain relievers.
No wonder.
"What about love?"-Al Pacino, The Devil's Advocate
"Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate."
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