I will forever trip metal detectors. Unless, of course, they clean out all the pieces chillin' in my gluteus.

They're bite size, they're delicious, they have antioxidants, and it comes in purple wrapping. =)
3. The laundry lady has agreed to wash our clothes using my soap and fabric softener of choice. Trust me, this is HUGE.
4. I'm speaking at school tomorrow for Career Day. *cue laugh*
Uh, yeah.
I don't blame em. My career was pretty awesome. I'm just not sure i'm going back to it.
(??? Jena, are we still doing this?)
5. Final sweep of the house in Manila this weekend. I lived there for 10 years. We're emptying it out. This is gonna be nuts...
6. Ian: "I'd rather get a mean doctor that's really good than a nice doctor that's shitty."
Me: "Yeah, you're right. Well, what if you get a mean, shitty doctor?"
-which totally reminds me. I love House.

7. Today, i have communicated with my dad through SMS, YM, Facebook, & Gmail.
8. Dylan just ate 15 pieces of Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses. I can't tell whether or not this has altered his behavior in terms of how hyper he is. It always seems like he's on chocolate.
9. The Christmas tree is up and we have a star hanging on our front door. That's about as Christmassy as i'll be getting, i think.
10. I have gotten into the red wine habit. I think it'll have to stop.
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