Sunday, November 1, 2009

You're never too old.

Snow White, Belle, Red Riding Hood, & Jasmine

Costumes courtesy of Reena.
At one point in the evening a guy came up to me and asked, "You're friends with the Disney princesses, right?" To which i replied, "Yup."
He then continued to ask me, "How come they all have a movie and you don't?"
Haha. Good question. I don't really know the answer to that.

Halloween was a huge success and loads of fun. If you weren't out that night, you for sure missed out. I'm glad i was able to make my way to the metro for it. That, and to celebrate one of my really close friend/homeboy/brother's birthday- Happy Birthday Tisoy!!!

It was an awesome and much needed weekend. =)
How was your Halloween?

Snow White, Belle, "Shower", Jasmine, Red Riding Hood, & Duffman (The Simpsons)

My all-time favorite bartender, Goldie @ Alchemy

I have been detoxing up in the mountains. No alcohol, barely any smoking at all so the weekend really gave my body a start. I can no longer hang and will be the first to admit it. By the second night, i was pretty much wiped out- we couldn't come up with better costumes to top what we had the night before, and there's no way we were gonna do repeats- so we improvised. In other words, we slacked off.
It was fun, nonetheless.

I know some people don't get down with dressing up... but i love Halloween.
Awesome weekend, it was good to see everyone, and refreshing to catch up. Maybe in another month or two... next time though, i'll opt to stay in a bit more. =p

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