Then again, lack of sleep just pisses me off no matter what.
2. When i'm in a bad mood, my own happy posts are enough to make me sick.
That's the truth. haha
3. I have gotten a lot better at putting my foot down and saying "No" when the occasion calls for it... but it doesn't mean it's easy. They say peer pressure happens when you're a teenager, but what they didn't tell you is that it continues for the rest of your life. I guess until you learn how to deal with it, anyway.
4. When people ask me how i'm doing i never know exactly what to say. I automatically answer with a "We", referring to me and D. I then start to talk about Dylan and share stories about Dylan and i also write about Dylan.
This is what we call Motherhood. Truth be told, if he's ok- i'm ok.
The past few months watching his progress and seeing him happy... has really made my heart soar.
Yes, i'm such a mom.
5. Oh, i'm doing great.
Still trying to find a way to get to all of my hobbies... but other than that, it's been breezy.
6. Dylan's new God-sister was born on 12-12-09 at 10.51pm. 6.7 pounds!
So exciting!!!
(Again, i gush over anything parent-related)
7. I am over the clubbing/hangovers/unlimited shots/chain smoking/slutty dancing/downing drink after drink after drink/toilet hugging/8am bedtime/3pm rising.
(Maybe just on special occasions... and i said MAYBE. haha)
When you write it down like that, it really doesn't seem like much fun. WHY would anyone put themselves through that, you ask? Well, because it IS fun. haha
Well, it is- until the hangover hits you, anyway. You don't remember much about hugging a toilet bowl, so that doesn't count.
[Yeah, welcome to the Philippines.]
But yeah, i'm over it. haha
8. I cannot get myself to go Xmas shopping for the life of me. Not that i'm lazy or anything... it's just that... i'm scared to step into the malls. :| haha
9. 12 days til Christmas. WTF?
Seriously, i remember celebrating 2008 New Years like it was yesterday. No joke.
Time is on steroids.
10. I'm contemplating on sending the universe a Christmas Wish List.
Still wondering how to teach Dylan about Santa...

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