2. Should i adopt a plant? I think i want a plant.
3. I wonder what it is that keeps kids glued to the same cartoon for hours and hours and hours.
4. At the grocery today, i found out that there are a few things i must have a constant supply of:
- Bacon
- Butter
- Dark chocolate
- C2 Green
5. I've had an addiction to chocolate chip cookies for the past 2 weeks. My banana oatmeal phase has passed and i still have a pack in the pantry. Dylan still loves tocino. I want beef tapa from across the street. Hell, i want a lot of food that i can only get in Manila. Boo.
6. 4 more stickers til i complete the card for my Starbucks planner!!! =) yay!
Huge thanks goes out to Gio and Aix for starting the card- otherwise, all hope would have been lost and i would have never gotten a 2010 planner.
7. The name of my new God-daughter is Ella. =)
(Sorry Kaeden... it wasn't meant to be)
8. Envy is like a disease that eats you up inside and consumes you. Oh, and it's ugly.
Is it really so hard to be grateful for your own life? Think about it and let me know. It'll hit you too.
9. I thought when i was done with school that i was on permanent summer vacation. For the longest time, i forgot what it was like to look forward to weekends since i lived everyday like it was Saturday.
Being a parent with a kid in school feels like being in school myself. Waking up early is a chore. Weekends rock. Sunday evening is sort of a mourning period. Monday morning is like an uphill battle. Discovering the coming of a long weekend and/or a semester break feels like i won the lottery.
10. When i think of my friends, i find myself smiling unconsciously. I must have awesome friends. =)
[*Listening to Slow Ride- Foghat. Being on vacation is all kinds of wonderful!]

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