Christmas is over and New Years Eve is 2 days away.
This little city up in the mountains is crammed with people on vacation. The traffic is ridiculous. There are swarms of people everywhere!
If there's anything i hate- it's crowded malls. I will avoid it as much as i can.
If there's anything i hate even more- inconsiderate & incompetent people that crowd the malls.
Mall/Supermarket Etiquette:
1. I wish there was a rule for cutting lines that gave me the right to backhand slap or dropkick anybody that tries.
-have some goddamn respect.
-no, you're NOT special. We all waited, why the hell shouldn't you? Yeah, we're in a rush too.
2. Huge grocery carts do not belong parked in the middle of a small ass isle (or any other opening that is meant for passage, for that matter). Diagonally parked is even worse (only because it's harder for me to kick it out of the way).
3. "Excuse me..." is easy to learn. It's also necessary. So learn it.
4. You do not need to breath down my neck when we're standing in line. As little at 12 inches (a foot) behind me is enough to let people know you're right behind me.
5. When you knock something over, especially if it falls in the way of other people (even if it doesn't), pick it up. Put it back on the shelf. It's polite. It's appropriate. It's EASY.
6. When you hit someone with a cart (perhaps because you were not paying attention or was just in too much of a rush to give a rat's ass)- apologize. It's the right thing to do. Children know this.
7. What is up with people who take forever at the ATM??? I need an explanation for this, because honestly- i don't understand.
8. When someone is trying to get out of traffic (shopping cart traffic), and you're in the way, it's really simple- MOVE. When the person says "Excuse me"- MOVE. Dirty looks are not necessary because, woman... we're doing you a favor. Unless you wanted to join the gridlock- just let me get out of your way and you can go ahead and do that. Don't worry- you will get to where you want to go.
9. When you see me heading in your direction faster than you... don't speed up. WTF, dude?
If you're browsing, then STOP. It's fine if you knew what you were doing or if the store was empty... but you're at a crowded supermarket!
11. If my cart is in the way, let me know. Again- simply saying, "Excuse me" works. Don't move it to the middle of the isle like i'm a dumbass. Which then makes me look like i'm responsible for #2.
12. It's not okay to pick up my son for a hug. Seriously, it's not.
Yeah, it was so terrible today i couldn't help it. I actually experienced stress for the first time in a loooong time. And here i was thinking i had already mastered the art of the freedom of stress.
I can't wait til everything falls back to normality.
Market and baking tomorrow.
Yay! =)
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