2. I need to up my cooking game. You know it's bad when you're bored of your own cooking.
3. I need to up my interior design game. These walls bore me to tears. There is nothing about my living room that tells anybody that i live here.
4. I need to hop to it with my painting. I have all the materials i need, just lacking the motivation to do it.
5. I wanted a lomo camera. I got a lomo camera. I need to use that lomo camera.
6. Everybody says that no matter what you do and how bad you try not to... you end up turning into your own mother. Is that true?
7. I can't believe i'm having so much fun just being ME. Something i was so scared of turned out to be the most amazing experience ever... and it's just starting.
8. I watched my son yawn, stare blankly into an audience, cough, try to grab his classmate's costume, begin to pick his nose, and NOT sing during his very first school performance. I got it all on video and it's priceless. haha!
-so far, he is nothing like how i was in school... hmm...
9. I want a whole bombardment of sweaters.
10. A really bad hangover was a good cure for my everyday-wine habit.

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