But what does that really mean?
The Spaniards, the Americans, and the Japanese have all left well enough alone, sure. However, rule under one's own corrupt government isn't exactly Freedom neither. Is it?
I have a love-hate relationship with the motherland. I'm sure if you've read enough of my stories, you'd be able to tell. I honestly believe this place has the capability and potential to become a great nation as a whole... but there are so many factors that contribute to the hindrance of its own success and growth.
On the daily, majority of our people concentrate more on how to get out as opposed to how to make things work over here. Leaving is an easier solution rather than having to deal with the problem and suffer while you try to cope. I don't blame them.
The last few times i have traveled out of the Philippines, i would always (always) run into hoards of Filipinos at that foreign country. They know the local language, they've adapted to making that city their home, but they always tell me how they miss being with their own people in their own land. These are the full-blown Pinoys that are out there trying to make a living because their own country isn't providing for them.
As i walk home from the mall, i will pass by at least 7 homeless people sitting on the pavement or lying lifelessly on the ground with their hands held out. Some of them will be carrying infants. Nobody will help them. This is their life here, and that's what it's always been. That's a really long time to be suffering.
When i take a cab heading towards Makati, i will see a river filled with garbage, houses made of cardboard and tin stacked to at least 3 stories high (and those are the little ones), and children begging on the streets- knocking on windows, selling flowers, or selling rags. Some Barangays (communities) have put it upon themselves to transform certain sidewalks into their very own patio. That is where they sit and talk to neighbors. As normal as they look, even with smiles on their faces, life is undoubtedly hard.
Who is supposed to help them?
You travel to the outskirts of Manila and the culture shock will be just that- shocking. Slums that go beyond your view, stacks and stacks of these flimsy, make-shift homes that make you wonder, "Just how far back do these things go??". The stench that they've gotten used to, the garbage that have become a natural part of their land, and the idea that this IS what life is...
"Ganito talaga ang buhay ng pang masang Pilipino... mahirap.", a cab driver said to me once.
(This is the life of a common Filipino... hard.)
I was saddened by this statement.
I refuse to believe that this is what defines us.
Some Filipinos who have migrated to another country and have raised their kids there, after some time, turn on the Philippines. They are the ignorant ones who dare not see the beauty of our people and this country. Their kids grow up thinking that this is a dangerous place and everything Filipino-related is... not cool. Don't even think to shoot me dagger looks because this is very true. Besides, i didn't say all... i said "some".
Sure, some of them i can't blame. They grew up watching their parents work their way throughout their entire lives (and i really do mean their entire lives) , and i'm talking hardcore manual labor. They would then sit at the dinner table and listen to their parents talk about how this country does nothing for them and that "America" holds the key to all your dreams. Understandable.
On the opposite end of the stick we have the gorgeous places where tourists reside and the rich and powerful are oblivious to all the hardship and suffering that is going on around them. You see places like Rockwell, the condominiums at The Fort, The Villages of Makati, etc.
Living there, you would never even think that only a few streets away, an entire family could be living off the money you just spent to buy those shoes next to your bed or that shirt you have on. It's the harsh reality of it all.
You would never even stop to think that your bathroom is the normal size of someone's man-made home built to house 6 people.
The Philippines is great when you're a person of important stature. Hell, all you really need is a wad of cash and you're good to go. Having money makes life better here. You don't see what's really going on and the truth is- you don't have to.
With all the problems this country is facing- poverty, financial crisis, overpopulation, pollution, corruption, starvation, etc. It's hard to see past that and see all the good it has to offer.
The traffic is ridiculous and nobody abides by the laws. Piracy is a way of life and you can never really tell if authorities are there to scam you or help you. It's one or the other and you always have to give it a shot.
Yes, the Philippines is rich with natural resources, gorgeous beaches, beautiful forestry, and awesome shopping. It's a great place to be- under the right circumstances, of course. Balikbayans often greet their stay with carefree glee, overspending, and obnoxious cheer. Whereas, the locals... well, we know all too well what goes on in this humble archipelago of ours. It be wiser to save your cash, spend it on the right things, don't be too loud lest you upset some politician's kid, and even though staring happens way too often over here- mind your own business.
This post is turning into some sort of sarcastic babble. What i started with the intentions of mouthing off about our government and of our freedom turned into a rant session about the country in general.
Just let me make a few things clear:
If you ask me, i would think that being governed by a foreign country who's main interest is to improve this nation is more respectable as opposed to some local with the horrid intentions of making tons of money for retirement and sending their children to school in some other country abroad.
Filipinos are well known for their pride. Sometimes, i feel like this will be the cause of our demise.
We are people that hold a good reputation across the world- hard working, nurturing, welcoming, & friendly. Great traits to be proud of.
I do have a lot of bullsh*t to say about the PI. This is where i'm from. I've never left. I was born and raised here and i have every right. I have hope for this place because i was one of the lucky ones that has seen it for all its beauty and was privileged enough to grow up with a childhood as a full fledged Batang Pinoy... yet i have also experienced the worst.
This place is like that friend of yours that keeps going back to her abusive boyfriend. You keep telling her she's stupid and that she should just leave him and that he's never gonna change... but she insists on going about her old ways, convinced that life will get better on its own.
You take a look at yourself, tell yourself you're worth it and make the changes necessary for the better. Because you don't deserve this, life can be better, and you don't HAVE to put up with the abuse. It will take time, but it's guaranteed to make your life better.
...and your friends still love you.

There are people who have fought for, vied for, and died for this country. Have their efforts all been in vain?
Until life gets easier and our people stop complaining, Freedom is just an idea. There's a lot to do before we really get there. If we don't help each other, who the hell will?
[credit: Photographs from Deviant Art, Lucky Besa, & Jake Versoza]
**[Philippine Independence Day, btw, is actually on July 4, 1946. The 1898 ceremony was ignored by the Spaniards and the Americans- where they proceeded with a transaction that lead Spain to hand over The Philippines to the US. Google it.]
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