I was invited to head out on Thursday because a friend of mine was working at a new spot that just opened, Aquaknox, and i promised i would go. It was Martini night. Drink all you can for P599 before midnight. We got there at 10:45ish. We sat down and quickly looked through the menu. There were 8 martinis and the guys calculated that if they were to try all the martinis the place had to offer, we had to guzzle down a drink and have another one at hand every 10 minutes. Elroy even set an alarm to go off on his phone. It sounded feasible... at first.
The drinks at that place were strong. And this is me saying they're strong. At least you get your money's worth, right?
I should have stuck with Lychee Martinis all night. The Appletini was good and the Cosmo was alright. A few of the others i could have passed on though.
Bottom line- mission accomplished +1.
8 rounds and an extra one of your choice.
Conclusion: Mayhem
When it hit midnight, the guys started buying beer and i was just chilling. We headed over to Tabu afterwards, knocked back a few more drinks, took some ridiculous photos, and headed over to Rufo's to eat.
After our little drunken feast, my vodka-wreaking self made my way safely home.
Hello hangover.

I headed over to our favorite Starbucks branch and ordered myself a coffee and a sandwich.
Reena got there with all the materials and we immediately got to work.
We made a card/wall for our girl's birthday party. We were done in a little over 2 hours.
Afterwards, we tried to get a few crossword puzzles done, had a bit of girl talk and it was off to work i went.
NO alcohol. The night was spent hydrating myself. I was so hungover from the night before, i couldn't even stand the smell of Vodka. Also, i wanted to make sure that i'd be in good shape for the events that were to unfold the following day because i knew i had a lot to do...
I played a 3 hour set- that of which a late crowd came through and when they were having a great time towards the end, my retirement was met with boos and random strangers coming up to me asking me to play for longer.
Uh... i played for 3 hours. I think i'm okay...
They really don't understand what it's like to be a DJ. Then again, how could they? I guess i don't really expect them to.
I was pleased with my set though, so it was a night well-worth it.
Early knock out will give me a total of 7 hours of sleep.
I get home and pass out due to exhaustion.
I get up, squeeze in a session to talk to Ian, got ready, and started the day.
Groceries * Cake * Noodles * Small lunch * SET UP *
I had to blow up over a hundred balloons. Let me rephrase that- i had to blow up a hundred balloons, tie them, put up with it blowing up in my face every now and then, and endured torture from the pain that came from tying the knot. The only good thing that came from it was that they were pretty... and i got to squeeze in an arm work out handling the pump. haha
We created a Balloon Chandelier, decorated the space, set up the food/drinks/ice/appetizers/cups/spoons/forks/napkins/plates, set up the wall we had made the day before, and then change and get ready.
We made our way to the club (which is a completely different story), but after all the commotion, the night ended with a handful of bad situations, a sobering moment, a few arguments, and an arguer taking off with my bag still in his car.
My keys and my money were in there.
I got a ride home and i had to ring my dad's phone to come down and open the door for me.
HaPpY DaDdy's Day, Dad. =) I love you.
I can't wait for the beach. This week is gonna be awesome.
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