I can't believe i'm turning 26 in about 3 weeks.
I can't believe i'm the PARENT at Kiddie Parties. (and i've been a mom for 5 years)
Life really does happen in the blink of an eye.
Majority of my friends are married or getting married. They're starting families. Our kids are growing up together. We're looking up schools and deciding where the kids should go. We implement sleep time and put limitations on their sugar intake. We encourage sharing as well as vegetables- most of the time we are met with failure... or a really bad mood.
We practice our right to say "No". We make friends through play dates scheduled because our kids became friends at a party. A trip to the Toy Store when we're at the mall is practically routine... so is ice cream. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer are a staple. We find toys in our bags- when we're at work! (Personally, i think that's really cute. I get all warm and fuzzy when that happens)
I remember being a kid of around 5 or 6 and running around playing with other kids at these kiddie parties. I always wondered what my parents would be doing while we were causing mayhem and havoc, running to no end, getting sweaty and dirty etc. etc. etc.- well, now i know.
We talk about normal shit that kids know nothing about. In all honesty, we still feel like kids ourselves. We tell "grown-up" jokes in whispers to make sure none of the children hear it. We swear and then stop ourselves and then look around to see if one of the younglings might've accidentally overheard. We laugh at things we do, stuff we've seen or anything we've heard recently that could possibly be of any interest to anyone.
Our conversations only go on hold when one of our mini-me's come up to us asking for something. It gets easier the older the kids get- you don't need to keep an eye on them (they prefer it that way), they don't need so much attention, and they can already take care of themselves (they know how to ask when necessary).
I always notice the mothers of newborns, or any toddler below the age of 2, are constantly stuck to the child and can barely carry a straight conversation. And usually the conversation is about babies. I totally remember those days. Taking Dylan to functions are so much easier now. *phew* I've paid my dues. haha!
When i was a teenager, being a parent was an idea so far-fetched for me. I also believed i wasn't a motherly type. It's amazing how that stuff naturally kicks in.
I was in awe finding myself at the "grown up table" yesterday. Dylan and i attended Ananda's 5th Birthday Party. They've been friends since they were babies. Her mother and i were pregnant at the same time. Looking around, it was crazy for me to believe that WE were the adults. WE were the responsible ones. WE were the Parental Units.
My life is unraveling so fast, i can barely keep track. I'm already at a certain phase that some people my age can't even begin to imagine. Although, being young parents seem to be the fad of this here's generation. *sigh*
So yes, i am a parent. I know a lot of people who meet me and don't believe it (just like they don't believe i was born and raised in the Philippines). Shit, i have friends that forget i'm a mother every now and then too. I must make somewhat of an interesting character.
I find myself at a pivotal point in my life. I am making life changing decisions based on not what i need, but what is necessary for what i believe is right in raising Dylan properly. My schedule is based upon available babysitters, in which i am happy that i have the best in the world- my own family.
And although this isn't something i expected or saw myself doing, let's say, 10 years ago- i couldn't imagine a better scenario. Being a parent is a lot of hard work, i'm still learning as i go along, and this is still my first time no matter what. But it's worth it, and you get back so much more.
My life is an array of colors because of the life my parents have given me. I only hope i can do just as well, if not better, for my own son. Even though i feel like giving him away every now and then (which is normal, i can assure you), i love him with my entire being and believe with all my heart that he is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Besides, in its entirety- being a Parent effin rocks! =p
Did you pick that picture because he looks cute in it, or because this is a parent post and he's holding a beer bottle? Just curious.
I thought it was quite ironic. LOL =p
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