Monsoon Season is officially here. It's been raining since i got home. The streets are flooding up. I need to invest in rubber boots. I'm glad i bought a dope ass umbrella (even if it cost P700. It was worth every peso- yeah, it's THAT fresh). I haven't even worn some of my "summer outfits" yet. I hate that my flipflops are going into hibernation.
I seriously forgot just HOW MUCH it could rain out here. It can rain A LOT. I know we've had worse than what we've experienced this past week... i just forgot.
2. After a week of hangovers, a week of being sick, a weekend out of the country, and half the week sleeping, i finally made it back to the gym. Yes!
It was awesome.
3. Dylan is incredibly attached to my Dad. I don't blame him. My Dad is quite fresh. I think we're all attached to him, actually. But i wonder how he'll be when we move to Baguio and my Dad stays here? =(
4. My Dad ordered me a new plug for my laptop!!! =) See, i told you he was dope. It arrived last week before i left for Qatar. How convenient.
5. I'm itching to shop. BUT- i promised i wouldn't until i had someone to go with (to restrain me and knock some sense in my head with certain key items, of course) and until i cleaned out my closet and got rid of some "just in case" pieces. You know what i'm talking about:
*Just in case it comes back in style.
*Just in case i lose weight, i'll fit into it again.
*Just in case i feel like wearing this "style".
YOu get the idea.
6. I absolutely suck at the cam-whoring game. It's not part of my personality to be snapping away at everything i see or everything of ME. I'm more of the "i appreciate it in the now" kind of person. Therefore, my documenting sucks, and when the experience is over, i am filled with regret. Boo...
I need to work on that.
7. After the incredible sleepfest i've had this week, my body clock is slowly reseting itself near normal. About time. Just trying to get back to normal feels like a ton of work...
8. The move out of the Metro is slowly drawing to a close. There's anxiety, for sure... but plenty of excitement as well. But before that- i have a birthday to celebrate. But before THAT- i have to throw a birthday party for a very close girl friend... and we have absolutely no idea what to do. Erk. =/
9. Three months ago, i felt like my life was in complete order and i knew exactly what i was doing. These days, i find myself looking for signs to tell me which direction to take. Ah, the vicious cycle of life. I should start applying the "Law of Attraction" back into my life- that made all the difference, i swear. But that's a whole other story. I also need a vacation. Like a REAL bona fide vacation.
10.I have a love-hate relationship going on with my hair. Just when it gets to the length i like, it's time to get a trim. If i want to keep it healthy, i have to do it. But every single time i get a trim, they cut it too short. It's as if they don't know what the meaning/definition of TRIM is. So by the time it gets to the desired length, i only have to cut it again. It's pointless.
And then there's the color. I don't know if too light is right for my face/skin color. I don't wanna look cheap/hella fake, but i definitely wanna look different. I'm not exactly sure what i'm trying to project, but i know i want something DIFFERENT. If i color it dark, then it just looks normal. That's boring. Why'd i even get it colored in the first place?
Geeze! This is what stylists are for except the ones i keep getting have no idea what the hell they're doing and i've been all over this city!
Okay, this is hopeless.
...I have nothing else to talk about. I think that's it.
I'm gonna go read a book now.
Goodbye Heatwave. Hello Precipitation from the Sky.

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